Happy Birthday, Love.
26 years ago today, the love of my life entered the world. :)Every year, I try to one-up Nate's last birthday with surprise events and gifts, and the truth is, I'm sort of taking the year off. There will be no surprise helicopter rides, parties, elaborate cakes, scavenger hunts... I'm a little burnt out on life at the moment and I'm just looking forward to having a full day off. I took a step back for once and let Nathan plan his own birthday, and it looks like we'll be having a family day at the beach. I really can't think of a better way to celebrate the life of my favorite person than running around with a sandy puppy and picnicking on the beach. :) Yep. Life is good.
Nathanial, I love you. Happy birthday, Darling.
Happy Birthday Nate!!!!
I hope you and Nate have a great bday celebration today!
Yikes!! Now, that first picture... was that really necessary? So glad you grew into a strapping young lad :)
Happy Birthday neighbor!!
So, um, what's the costume in the second picture - are you Chewbacca?
Dude! What an appropriate Baby Picture!!! I love it he was the cutest little babay :) I lvoe you both adn you are so cool that your birthdays are soooo cloe together! Love you guys to the moon! <3 Casi
Happy birthday! Hope y'all are enjoying your day OFF! :)
Happy Birthday Nate!
Thanks, every one! We had such a perfect relaxing and fun day. (Photo proof to come eventually, of course.)
Oh, and Carrie, I was a dinosaur. Duh! (I figured you could hear my roar in the third photo.)
Aww! That first picture was purty! What a cutie!...with a bitter old man face. He looks like he wants those kids to turn their music down!
My goodness, those are a couple of my favorite old photos, and the ones of the "grown up" are just as good. I love you, Nathan, and I am so glad you found the love of your life in Jensey.
With all my love,
Happy belated Birthday, Nate! That second picture is scary!
I've been looking at your blog, and you guys are just simply adorable! I love people who are in love, that is awesome! I can only hope that me and my fiance are as happy as the two of you seem to be (I think we're off to a good start). :)
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