Is it just me or does June seem to be on fast forward?
I've sort of had patches of time off this month, which has been ridiculously necessary for my mental health. It's made Nathan and I re-evaluate our work flow and realize that we need to put our marriage first and work second, which has been a true struggle for us. I'm looking forward to our fall rush and forcing days off, planning a date night once a week, and just plain spending time off loving my husband!
Which brings us to the first photo from Courtney & Craig's wedding... The Root mirror shot! It's tradition. :)
The day started out with us meeting a little friend on a chair in the getting ready room. I think he said his name was Ralph, but I wasn't really paying attention.
Pretty dress + pretty chandelier = Pretty.
My favorite thing about Courtney is she had two expressions all day- Happy...
... And happier. :)

Probably my favorite. I think. Let me get back to you. ;)
This made me miss an old friend from TN that has hair just like this. Ever since I met her in the 1st grade, this was my dream hair. LOVE it!

Even though Courtney and Craig didn't see each other before their wedding, they gave us oodles of time for photos of the two of them. :)

Tell me this isn't the happiest bride you've ever seen!

Then we headed to their reception at Timucuan Country Club. It was so cool going back, because this was where my first wedding was almost 3 years ago to the date! Crazy! Courtney and Craig started their first dance with "You're the Inspiration" by Chicago...
... And then broke into a choreographed dance to New Kids on the Block's "The Right Stuff," with the help of the groomsmen. :)
The grand finale!

So, ok. I didn't see this happen, so I can't be sure, but...
... I'm pretty sure these little munchkins may have had a thing or two to do with it. ;)
Can I just take a minute and gush over the cute kids at this wedding??

How cute is she?!

There's always that one couple that can REALLY dance-
And it's always fun to try to "guess that song!" when going through the photos afterwards. :) Journey, perhaps?
I was randomly shooting these guests through a window when this happened...
... So this is me showing it to his wife & friends. :)

Ready in 3, 2, 1...
... ?
Ta-Da! :)
We dragged the newlyweds back out for some quick shots as the sun set-

They totally requested this shot. :)
Last dance!
Guys, y'all were AMAZING! Thank you so much for everything!!